Monday, May 17, 2010

Week One

It's been a week and a few days since I graduated from college. To be honest, I won't miss college at all. Had my advisors not screwed me up so badly, I would have tried to get out of here as quickly as possible. College made me develop some of the worst habits in the world.

In high school, the nearest McDonald's was 20 minutes away. The only "bad" eating I did up until age 18 was when my mom would cook her famous cheesy mashed potatoes or O'Henry bars. Even though I ate those "bad" foods, I typically put in two hour work outs Monday-Friday with volleyball, basketball and track. But when I came to college, I indulged in the worst foods possible. With late-night runs to Taco Bell, utter laziness and getting on the birth control shot, I managed to pack on 60 pounds. Actually, after five years of college, I'm the heaviest I've ever been. And I'm quite sure I'm at the most unhealthy point in my life.

I've never been the skinniest person though. In fact, the lightest I remember my scale ever being was 157 when I was a senior in high school. And then I was suffering from depression issues, so I never want to be at that point (mentally) in my life again. In sixth grade, I went into the school nurse and I remember I weighed 198 pounds. I really should have gone to fat camp early in my life. Even at 198 pounds, I was able to drop those 40 pounds to my lightest weight my senior year and I truly believe I can do it again.

I've had enough of my terrible lifestyle. I keep trying to make a change, but it never sticks. Two weeks ago, I joined Weight Watchers and have already failed miserably at that. But I won't give up. I'm finally going to stop TALKING about getting fit, and instead just get fit. At my weight, I shouldn't have a problem taking off the pounds if I just make a few lifestyle changes.

So, here are the changes I plan to install this week:

1) Cut back on the alcohol.
I'm not going to completely give up alcohol because I like it a great deal. But I'm going to make healthier alcohol choices. i.e. Vodka with diet tonic or low-cal beers. And I'm going to cut down on my portions!

2) Start working out again.
I'm done being a lazy piece of shit. I bought INSANITY a few months ago, so I'm going to stick to that plan.

3) Follow the Weight Watchers plan.
I like Weight Watchers because I can eat what I want as long as it's sensible. So I'm going to stick to that plan.

I don't want to make any huge changes right now, but just a few changes along the way.

Life after college is going to be a healthier life. I promise!

This is me at my skinniest senior year of high school.

And this is me a few weeks ago.

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